Cuckold sex is what you get if your cock is smaller than the length of my heel. Now, of course you have to be way thicker too. I mean if you have a foot long pencil dick, I won’t grant you access into my pussy. I might, however, turn you into my fluffer boy. You see, I think very highly of myself. I should. I have the body, the brains and the looks to be highly selective. I am a triple threat. Women like me are few and far between, so we can command only the biggest and best dicks.
If you don’t measure up, I hope you like sucking cock, because that is how you can serve me. We both know that you will do anything to be in my presence. So, if you can’t fuck me, you can worship me. Steve called me yesterday with his 5 inch dick. That is the average size cock, but do I look like I do average? I deserve better. But lucky for Steve, I had a pussy full of cum and a cock waiting for his turn. Steve was hesitant at first, but once he realized the only way to taste my golden love juice was to clean up my messy pussy, he lapped it up. His pathetically average dick was hard. Someone liked his treat.
Once he cleaned up my messy pussy pie, I made him crawl over to the real man in the room and suck his 12 inch cock. I was saving my energy for fucking. Steve was in charge of sucking that cock to its fullest potential, then guiding it into my perfect pussy. Turns out Steve loves being a fluffer boy. He sucked my stud’s cock until it was bulging like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s bicep in the 80’s. Thick as a tree trunk, purple veins busting out everywhere, rock hard. It was a work of art. Steve sat on the sidelines while the real man took care of me. I squirted all over his cock. Moaned and screamed with delight. As soon as my golden pussy was filled with man seed, Steve buried his face in my twat and cleaned me up.
Cuckold phone sex is not for real men. But then, if you are reading this and are hard at the thought of fluffing cock and eating creampies, you are not a real man, are you?