Cuckold phone sex is where I laugh at your little dick when you think you can fuck me. I simply refuse to fuck a man with a small dick. I met this hot young stud I picked up at my local coffee shop. He was hot for a sexy milf. I never mind a young stud if he has a big dick, black or white. He was flirty and the next thing I knew, we were back at my house to fuck. There was a problem, however. He only had a 4-inch dick. To say I was disappointed does not really convey my feelings. I explained that I could not fuck him. I could not even give him head. Instead of a fighting me, he asked me how he could please me. I like a boy who can accept reality. I will reward a guy who has a tiny dick if he understands that this sexy MILF needs a big cock. I find that men with small cocks are often great cunt lickers. They know they must compensate for their small dicks. I rode his face until I coated him with my mature nectar. He looked like a glazed donut when I was done He did the alphabet on my clit with his tongue which made my pussy purr. He buried his face between my legs and tongued my pussy like he was fucking me. His tongue was longer than his dick. His face looked like a glazed donut when I was done. The best phone sex is honest. If you have a small dick, you will not fuck me. That does not mean though I cannot find some use for you though. Sometimes small dick humiliation is in order; and sometimes I can make you pleasure me. I will not fuck you if you have a tiny cock. No hot woman should, but if you accept that I am not fucking you, I may find a use for you.
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Tag Archive: cukold phone sex
Cuckold Phone Sex; A BBC Size Queen
Cock control, Cock size queen, Cuckold Phone Sex, Cuckold sex, Dirty phone chat, Hot wives, Humiliation phone sex, Little dick phone sex, Phone sex humiliation, Small cock phone sex
November 19, 2020
Cuckold Sex is something of an aquired taste for some of us; others have known our whole lives our roles: Queens, Alphas, beta bitches. I was born knowing that I was a size Queen, and raised to know the only cock worthy of touching me was a juicy BBC thick boy! You heard me right. I’m addicted to that big black anaconda python cock.
And you? You’re a beta cucky boy, We both know you’re addicted to the chastity belt, the sensual hypnosis of my words to you. You need to clean my cunt of all that BBC sperm when he’s done blowing his steamy loads in my tight hot pussy. He’s going to breed me for hours, so I hope you’ll be ready to eat.
Up close and personal, you can suck that Alpha cock hard. That thick black monster is going to gut your throat out, and that’s a sound I’m desperate to hear. I think you and I both know exactly how this is going to go. Stop avoiding me, good boy. Cum and get a taste of Goddess.
Phone Sex Rates
Billed discreetly as WBMTT Enterprises.
$2.00 per minute all calls in the Continental United States. $2.50 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
$4.00 per minute for 2 girl calls in the Continental United States. $5.00 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
We also offer cyber text sessions and those are at the same rate as calls
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