Cuckold phone sex therapy is what so many men need nowadays. It is sad to think that so many men with little dicks still think they have what a woman needs, especially in a modern age where Internet porn should tell them otherwise. I am a firm believer in seeing is believing. I have a young stud next door that is happy to lend his dick to the education process of dumb men. I have an ex-boyfriend from a few years ago who has never gotten over our break up. Women don’t dump him he told me. He is good looking; he has a great job, and he is loaded. The only problem is he has a small dick and a big ego. He won’t stop hounding me to get back together with him. He forgets I am a Psychology professor. I know he only wants to get back together, so he can break up with me this time. I am not about to let that happen. Men don’t get the upper hand with me. Men don’t out smart me. I had my neighbor boy over when my ex arrived. I told my ex to have a seat because I needed him to hear me out. It was more see me out I guess, because I started stroking the cock of a man half his age and three times his cock size. “This is why we will never get back together,” I purred. I enjoyed the expression on his face. He had never encountered a cock size queen like me before. He was an unwilling cucky. He watched for a few minutes in horror while I played with a real cock, then he stormed out of my place. I am certain I took care of the problem for good. I enjoyed my hung young lover and relished in the fact that I put an egotistic loser in his place.