Wow, you really are pathetic aren’t you? Look at you, standing over there crying and whimpering because I told you that I didn’t want that tiny little shriveled up wannabe dick! Are you fucking kidding me?? Did you really think that your tiny little penis was going to turn me on? Did you think that I would give you a pity fuck? Bitch, it is time for you to learn that I have no pity, no mercy, and I will never give a single lonely little fuck about your feelings. So you go ahead and cry, go ahead and worry too while you’re at it because I may just decide to out you to everyone! Why shouldn’t I? You’re not a real man anyway and every single person you know, also knows that you are just a wimpy little loser. But don’t worry loser, if you beg me really good, I might just let you clean all this cum out of my pussy after a real man fucks me… but you will have to be very, very good…