It seems as if hot sexy women just can’t get away from men that are hot and sexy in every way and then they get undressed and it’s time for sex and they have the smallest penises ever. We laugh at them and tease them about how they will never come near women like us with a dick like that. And yet if at first they don’t succeed, they try, try again. They return with more determination then the last time. It isn’t until we give them the humiliation, the cuckolding they deserve, that they are satisfied. It’s what they crave, what they want and long for but are afraid to come right out and ask for. The minute we find a real man with a dick worthy of our attention. The minute we make them watch us get fucked and tell them that they will not cum without permission and that permission does not cum until we are satisfied and they have licked all the scraps of real sex off of us. Then and only then are these cuckies happy.