My two ex-husbands made me the cuckold phone sex expert that I am today. Two husbands with small dicks and age made me wiser. Made me a size queen too. Now, I offer cuckold therapy to women and men. I prefer to see couples. I think a marriage can be saved if the husband gets on board and even participates in his wife’s infidelities. Neither of my husbands were down with me getting what I needed outside of the marriage. The way I see it, if you cannot satisfy your wife sexually, you need to step aside so she can find some one who can. Last week, I gave some marriage counseling to a couple with a sexless marriage. Not only is her husband sporting a dick smaller than my big toe, he tries to act all macho like his pickle is something she should feel grateful to have in her pussy. I sat them down and asked some questions. A cuckold sex therapist needs to have all the information. I asked the husband to show me his cock. He whipped it out proudly and held it with his thumb and forefinger. I laughed. I had to take him down a few pegs. I mean he was not listening to his wife, so I was not hopeful he would listen to me. I made him watch some bull videos and when that did not enlighten him either, I brought in my stud therapist. He is an assistant of sorts who believes seeing is believing. He fucked my client’s wife. He fucked her better than she has ever been fucked before. He made her pussy squirt. He made her eyes roll in the back of her head and he made her moan like she never has before either. Hot wives deserve big dick. They deserve to have orgasms. Finally, he got it. Now, I will have to see them for a few more months to make sure he stays on track as a good cucky husband.