Cuckold Sex should be used when needed and that’s always been my philosophy. Recently, we had to cuckold my son and make him watch me and his step sister teach him a lesson about big black cocks. He was upset this little girl he was dating was caught in the locker room getting her pussy rammed by a huge black cock. He was fucking this little girl every day and thought he was enough, which I laughed at.
We explained to him that every white woman cheats because the cocks of black men are far better and we have needs to. We let them fuck our pussys and cum in them but we are faking it most of time when we act like we cum.
As I’m explaining it to him, two of my step-daughter and my fuck buddy’s arrived. We got right down to business and told my son to see what we meant. When he pulled out that 12 inch soft cock, my son’s eyes look like he saw a ghost. He watched and inspected carefully from the corner I sent him to. Watched mommy and sis get their little pussy’s pounded and pounded some more.
He gasped when he saw his little sis go as far down on that monster king size chocolate candy bar. He said he didn’t know how that was anatomically possible to fit that thing in but she did and boy was it hot. At times these cocks of our delicious black friends are so big, we’ve been known to puke all over if we go down on the cocks too hard.
We talked through the whole fucking experience to make sure my son understood what he was up against. These nice men were nice enough to let him compare his tiny cock to theirs. After he saw how different it was and how much cum of ours was on these cocks, I think he finally got it. If not, I’m always down for lesson number 2.