Tag Archive: little dick phone sex


Cuckold phone sex gabbyI love my husband. He makes me very happy in every area but one. His tiny little pathetic cock. It is so very small. like a tiny little doll dick. I have honestly seen thumbs bigger. There is no way I would allow that waste of space to fuck me. Other than that one small part of our lives we are extremely happy. Especially now that I am carrying a real mans seed inside me. We are both very excited to be parents. I cant wait to see my beautiful black offspring. Everything will be perfect then.

Mommy Gabby


Humiliation phone sex is what you want

humiliation phone sexHumiliation phone sex is what you want – what you need. You crave the sound of my laughter, the sound of my voice talking down to you. You need someone to remind you of what a tiny peepee you have! You have to be reminded about how absolutely pathetic you are, with an itty bitty cock like that no wonder you’re calling me! You might have other’s fooled into thinking you’re a man – but I know for a fact that what you have right there is nothing but a puffy cunt. Small, hard to see – just barely there. Yes, I’m talking about that thing you call a cock, hahahaha. Yes, I’m laughing! It’s impossible not to at that tiny little thing. Incredibly hard not to laugh at the size of your measly wannabe cock. And you of course, I have to humiliate you for having such a tiny peepee! You love it anyway, you know you could never have me any other way, if you want me it’ll be with me laughing at you, and only allowing you to come close enough for the after-math of a real man fucking me, you know – the clean up job. Get to work pathetic cucky!

Vivacious Vixen Valerie


Come Clean Up Cucky!

cuckold phone sex (4)

I do only cuckold phone sex, if you’re not into cock control then chances are you’re wasting my time. I know you want cuckold sex anyway, why else would you send me an IM? You assume I am a Daddy’s girl, and I was! Long ago. Now I am a mean teen who wants nothing more than to take control of that itty bitty cock and make you my personal humiliation piggy. You would just love that now wouldn’t you? There is simply no denying that one! Your thing you call a dick stands right up at the thought. Too bad you’re not man enough to call me, oh well. I can get what needs to be done via IM message anyway, you can talk to me on there too. I suppose it might be slightly less hard on you, since you don’t actually have to hear me LITERALLY laughing at you. Instead, you get to come clean up all this mess my big fat cocked friend made in my pussy. Go on cucky, it’s time to clean up. Lick it all clean like a good boy! 




Cuckold phone sex humiliation with Delphine

cuckold phone sexI am a total size queen when it comes to sex. I’m a fat girl with a deep cunt and I require meat to feed my kitty and keep it purring. I love my cocks thick, long, and veiny. Cocks that work like jackhammers and spew gallons of cum. I would be a cuckold phone sex slut if my husband couldn’t satisfy me. Oh yeah, I’d be out every night prowling for some BBC to bring home. Humiliation. That’s the cuckold sex you’d get from me. I’d fuck my gangsta boy right in front of your face while you wear my huge panties over your head. And when it’s time to cum, I’d laugh at your tiny penis while my real man plows my furrow. Stroke your micro-missile, baby, and get ready to clean up this cream pie mess. It’s all lickie and no fuckie for you. Watch closely. You can see my pussy contract around this massive shaft. Some of it is sheer sexual pleasure and the rest is me laughing my ass off at your tiny poker.

BBW Cock Size Queen


Cuckold phone sex whore

cuckolding phone sex gwenCuckold phone sex is an art in itself. I love humiliating a man because his cock is tiny. Making you watch me get fucked by anther man is beyond sexy. The way your cock aches as you watch me get fuck by a thick cock turns me on and pushes me over the edge. I love watching you ache and beg to be touched. You beg for sexual attention. You get your wish, you get to suck the cocks of the men I fuck in front of you. The way you handle that cock in your mouth and hands is amazing. You suck dick better than most women. You are such a good cuckold whore, you do exactly as you are told and your reward is to eat the cm out of my used pussy.

Cock whore Gwen


Hot sexy woman

cuckold phone sex opheliaSo I got a boyfriend, and that lasted all of five minutes. When I fucked him, it just wasn’t that great. I guess this is where I prove to be a whore. He has this best friend that constantly is around. I would find myself checking him out. He looked like he has a massive cock! Way bigger then my mans. I could not help myself at all. So when my husband wondered away from me and his friend- I pounced. I dropped to the floor, like there was an earthquake and whipped his cock out. I put it in my mouth and started fucking it deep and hard. Before I could even make the next move he turned me around and shoved his cock into my pussy. We were fucking on my dinning room table. I cam and squirted all over his cock as he erupted his cum load inside of me. As we were finishing up I glanced at the doorway. There was my sweetheart, watching us with a big boner in his pants. Looks like it’s round two?

Big Dick Lover Ophelia


C’mere Little Cucky… Come Play!

cuckold sex.

Do you hear that? Ahh, that’s the sound of nothing. The sound of you trying to jerk your cock but failing miserably. You know why, dontcha? I know it’s hard to miss, hard to see and all but that tiny cock is simply not even big enough to jerk silly! I would stop your efforts now and sit back and enjoy the show. I want to play with you lil cucky, laugh at you as a big black cock dominates me in every way and then laugh some more that your pathetic ass! I have no use for you except purely for my entertainment, for you to serve me. You to watch me get fucked, wish it was you, and know you can never compare. Know that the only other thing you’re good for other than getting laughed at is to clean my holes. Get to it or I’ll make you suck his  cock too! C’mere Little Cucky… Come Play!



Cuckold Phone Sex Queen Loves Little Dick Phone Sex

cuckold phone sex FarahAs a cuckold phone sex bitch, the only thing scary to me are little dicks. This Halloween I hooked up with a guy I met at a costume party. He was dressed as a man with a big working cock. Once the costume came off, however, I discovered he had a cock smaller than my lap dog. I was beyond pissed. He had stuffed his pants with socks making it appear like he had a real dick, not some shrimp dick. I measured him at less than 2 inches hard. Seriously, I asked him how he ever found his dick. I tied him to a chair and texted my neighbor that I had an emergency. He rushed over and when he saw my tiny dick loser tied up, he understood the emergency. He whipped out his big cock and forced my underwhelming guest to suck a real man’s cock. He was not happy being a fluffer bitch, but I was not happy about being duped. Look at me? I am way too hot to settle for tiny dick. I let my neighbor fuck me right in front of shrimp dick too. He loves fucking me anyway, but when you add a side order of little dick humiliation, it sweetens the deal. We unleashed little dick man and he ran home with his nub hidden between his thighs. Maybe now he will realize you cannot pretend to have a big dick without consequences. At least not to a cock size queen like me.

little dick phone sex



Teach Me

cuckold phone sex adriana[1]I am going to learn from the best of the best. I want to be just like Adriana! She is the cuckold queen and she will teach me all about those little dick men. How to give these men the humiliation they deserve. Our perfect bodies are to be worshiped and real men are the only ones that get to fuck these perfect cunts of ours. A big fat cock is all that will make it’s way into our mouths and glorious holes. You on the other hand only get to watch. Sit there in the corner of the bed where you belong while we allow these real men to fucking stretch us out. Watch and hold your itty bitty cock, the cock that simply can’t please anyone. You know it won’t do anything for us, and that’s why you have to watch. Watch us scream and moan and fuck the shit out of these massive cocks! We’ll laugh at your excuse of your cock stuffing these fatties as deep into us as we can. You love that shit. We love that shit, clearly you do too jerking that tiny cock of yours…well Adriana taught me well and you know that means I will let you do your job and clean out our cunts full of cum. That’s all you’ll get and I am sure you will be post grateful!cuckold sex anastasia[1]

Sexy Slut Adriana


I’m Too Generous…

Cuckold Phone Sex (3)

Anyone else do that thankful thanksgiving thing that you see everywhere? You know where you say something you are thankful for everyday through the month until Thanksgiving? I have never done it so I feel like its past due to finally do one. I am thankful for the guy that tried to fuck me with his itty bitty dick last night. It really made my night when he pulled that thing out all proud like it was supposed to be impressive or something, that gave me a good laugh, I mean if he thought he was even near good enough for me then he must also believe in unicorns. It was honestly so small that I could just picture every girl before me that he has fucked running to the bathroom and crying because they felt so disappointed in what they were saying. I can think of no use for that thing. Although, since it is the giving season he might get to lick cum out of my cunt. I am just too generous! Cock control for this cuckold phone sex, and nothing else – I do have standards afterall!



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