The laughter was uncontrollable at points but what else can you do when you are looking at a pathetic formerly thought of as a man, little dick phone sex. There you are, sitting in the chair in the corner, chasity cage secured over whatever that little thing is, not sure it was necessary as you need an actual cock in order to use the thing I believe.
How pathetic you are, you pay me money to tell you you can’t fuck me and that other guys are the only way you and the word pleasure will ever be in the same sentence again In this case it will mean you are able to watch a real mans dick pleasure your girlfriend while I cuckold you. Or you can pleasure our nice real man friends cocks. Lord knows that you have been caught sucking my dildos enough, you little cocksucking faggot you have become, have you not?
You are very confused right now. You make one ugly ass girl with your hairy chest, caked on makeup, fake looking wig, huge thick mans legs covered with slutty stockings of mine and that little slutty skirt that barely covers your bum. And we’ve pretty much established you are not a man, now are you? So who are you really? All these hot wives and they are finding out every day their husbands are faggots. Or as they claim, they just like sucking cock.
So we bring some big black guys home for our sissy slut husbands but as much as you and the others want that cock in your mouth, we make you watch these Big black dicks fuck our Milf pussies. You sit there in the corner and just watch, not even allowed to touch your cock. And you do it? Hilariously pathetic. You know you can always say no when I ask you to do crazy stuff but you are nothing more than a loser who has no backbone, no worthwhile cock, and no more pussy for you either. Poor thing, sucks to be a worthless cocksucking faggot doesn’t it?