Does size matter? In a simple word yes especially in the world of cuckold sex. My husband all too well knows that his cock had never measure up for me. Decides matter when it comes to tits and ass? Fucking yes, it does and so it should matter when I have a nice big fucking cock or not. I enjoy cuckolding him every chance I can get. And that means I need a big fat mother fucking cock. I need a juicy cock had I need a lot of girth and links to go along with it. I really hope you have a big dick when you come to me for a cuckold sex or you’re going to get my mean side. The side that likes fucking black cock and white cock that is three times bigger than your little wee shrimp fucking appendage. I am a seeing and I can cuckold you with my brother’s cock because he’s been fucking me just as long as my daddy has been. And the huge dick genes run in my family. So it will be nothing new to my big ass and tight pussy!
Size Queen Wife says yes, size matters!
Size Matters during wives fucking big cock during cuckold sex!
Are you really jealous of men with way larger pricks than you have? Then you have come to the right place. I am a very nasty MILF with a husband with a small little pin prick. And I just need you to know that anything under 8 in is small. Not that I don’t adore my big ass fucking men with big huge cocks that love their wife to be shed with other men. But size does matter and after I have a big text man that I’m going to go have to find some big black men with even bigger dicks to fuck. Being a size queen that I am I accept that challenge. And everything we do size matters from tit size to ass size to waist size. I keep my body small and tight, so you should come equipped but enough meat to fuck my sexy body. In size matters to a size queen like me! Taught by incest in my youth that the biggest dick has always the best fuck. Experience cuckold sex with big hard black cocks fucking your wife. I’ll be your wife and I’ll take every single last answer my sweet hot milf pussy! Do you measure up?