

Grandpa’s Cuckold Card Game

cuckold phone sex viv (1)When I was younger Grandpa and his friends would gather every weekend for a good old fashioned poker game. I always loved to prance around wearing something sexy and getting them drinks. I would sneak peaks at everyone’s cards and help Grandpa win. Grandpa wanted to have some fun this weekend with some of the old coots at the retirement home. He laughed when he told me about this one man who has the littlest cock he had ever seen and how we were going to scam him like we did in the old days and then make him watch while Grandpa fucked the shit out of me. I can’t believe how much fun we had suckering the old coot and then making him watch while I got fucked hard. When it was over we let him lick up my dripping cunt covered in mine and Grandpa’s cum!

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