A little bit nice and a whole lotta naughty. That’s the perfect cuckold wife. She knows what she wants. A big, thick meaty fuckstick that spurts buckets of cum. Too bad she married a tiny shriveled dick that can’t even get inside of her. Seriously, I have never seen such a tiny cock on a grown man. You can buy her diamonds, but you can’t mine for gold. So sad. She has to get it somewhere and you know the rules. She picks the cock, you get to watch, and then clean up the mess. Take it from me, another cuckold wife. If you don’t have the equipment to do the job, then step aside and let another man take over. Cause if a woman is horny enough, she’ll play the game and make the rules, to insure she gets what she deserves. And as for you, you know she and her girlfriends are laughing their ass off, talking about that tiny pistol in your pants.