I love small cock phone sex with tiny dick losers. This morning Brad called me with his little shrimp dick trying to fuck me. Look at me? I’m a hot sexy babe. Do I look like the type that would be okay with a 2 inch dick? Hell no. I was raised right. I never settle for less than 6 inches of hard thick dick. So, Brad whined like a little baby. He actually believed because he was paying me, I had to be his bitch. It doesn’t work like that. You are paying me to deal with your pathetic sissy clit. So, if you are not a man and you call me wanting to get off, think again. I will laugh at you; deny you; humiliate you; but I will not fuck you. Just ask Brad! I made him put on his wife’s panties and prance around his house singing, “I’ve got an itsy bitsy teenie weenie in my wife’s bikini.” Then I told him to give his wife my number. I need to have a serious chat with that woman about cock control for her pathetic husband and self worth. If she isn’t fucking other men, then she has to be the most frustrated woman on earth.
Wake up guys. Size does matter. I don’t care if you are paying $2 a minute. You want to cum? You need to cum? You got two hands for a reason. I don’t play with little sissy dicks.